Journey to Nepal and the Himalayas
Shangri-La has become commensurate with any earthly paradise, but particularly a mythical Himalayan kingdom--a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world as described by James Hilton in his famous novel Los Horizon.
Over the course of 4 days, I escaped the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu and embarked on a trek through the cultural and geographic frontier of Nepal. This remote area contained no roads, sparse electricity, and no running water.
On the first day, our Sherpas (guides) led us to a mountain ledge that overlooked what ancient Tibetan scriptures refer to as a sacred place-- the legendary realms of Annapurna and Sagarmatha. Even though they had stood there many times, they were still awed.
On my expedition, I felt a tremendous sense of clarity. An awareness that I was in a moment of divine intervention, an unaccountable, quiet excitement started coursing through me that suggested something pretty remarkable was taking place in my life.

A medicine man in Nepal mesmerizes with his eyes.
On my expedition, I felt a tremendous sense of clarity. An awareness that I was in a moment of divine intervention, an unaccountable, quiet excitement started coursing through me that suggested something pretty remarkable was taking place in my life.

A villager bids us "namaste" as we enter a remote village deep within the Himalayas.
Shangri-La has become commensurate with any earthly paradise, but particularly a mythical Himalayan kingdom--a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world as described by James Hilton in his famous novel Los Horizon.
Over the course of 4 days, I escaped the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu and embarked on a trek through the cultural and geographic frontier of Nepal. This remote area contained no roads, sparse electricity, and no running water.
On the first day, our Sherpas (guides) led us to a mountain ledge that overlooked what ancient Tibetan scriptures refer to as a sacred place-- the legendary realms of Annapurna and Sagarmatha. Even though they had stood there many times, they were still awed.
On my expedition, I felt a tremendous sense of clarity. An awareness that I was in a moment of divine intervention, an unaccountable, quiet excitement started coursing through me that suggested something pretty remarkable was taking place in my life.

A beautiful, ornate, ancient temple that stood in the Bhaktapur region of Kathmandu. After the earthquake of 2015, it no longer stands.

A peak at Everest through the Sagamartha gate deep within the national park.

A gorgeous ancient city that was the center of civilization for hundreds of years outside of Kathmandu, Nepal